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WWE Main Event was taped at the Giant Center in Hershey, Pennsylvania on June 10th. The fans saw Dakota Kai with Kairi Sane versus Ivy Nile and Tyler Bate versus Bronson Reed.

Dakota Kai w/ Kairi Sane versus Ivy Nile

This match was pretty good. I really like Ivy Nile. She used her power and strength early in the match to keep Dakota Kai off balance. In the time they had which was about six minutes, they worked well together. This was Kai’s second-ever WWE Main Event appearance. She was on the show once in the summer of 2021.

Ivy Nile showed off her strength in the highlight of the night. She did a delayed-release vertical suplex before Dakota Kai took control. Kai put on a rest hold to regain her composure. The crowd was behind Nile as she looked to get out of the hold. She pumped up the fans even more with a head scissors and another suplex for a two-count.

Towards the end of the match, Nile was trying to win by using some roll-up attempts. Kairi Sane climbed up on the apron. She distracted Nile and it was enough to turn the tide of the match around. Kai used her Scorpion Kick followed by her Go to Kick to get the win. Immediately Kai and Sane were running up the ramp. The fans hated this match and booed them. WWE needs to realize quickly how well-liked Ivy Nile is and use her more. Both women worked hard to make this an enjoyable match.

Dakota Kai w/Kairi Sane defeated Ivy Nile

Tyler Bate w/ Pete Dunne versus Bronson Reed

Both of these guys had a strong match and the closing minutes were the most exciting of WWE Main Event. Pete Dunne came out with Tyler Bate. However, they both agreed that Bate didn’t need him, so Dunne went to the back. I thought this was the craziest move that they could have made. Bronson Reed is three of Tyler Bate and Bate could have used Dunne as a distraction. Talking about crazy, Bate tried to grapple with Reed, but he got tossed over the top rope by Reed.

After the commercial, Bate worked his way out of Reed’s bear hug. Then Bate hit three clotheslines to topple Reed then he put him in an airplane spin. The crowd immediately loved this and got excited to see this. However, it wasn’t enough to put Reed away. Reed got up and used the big powerbomb on Bate. Then he dragged Bate over to position him for the Tsunami off the top rope for the win. I truly believe that WWE has no idea what to do with Bronson Reed. I felt like New Japan didn’t either. He is an extremely athletic wrestler with an unbelievable finisher, but no charisma and can’t talk on the microphone.

Bronson Reed defeated Tyler Bate

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