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WWE Main Event aired their latest episode on May 30th. These matches were taped on May 27th before the WWE Monday Night Raw from Enmarket Arena in Savannah, GA.

The scheduled card was:

  • The Unholy Union (Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre) defeated Kayden Carter and Katana Chance (5:05)
  • Pete Dunne defeated Dijak (7:10)

The Unholy Union (Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre) Defeated Kayden Carter and Katana Chance

I can’t help, but want The Unholy Union on WWE Raw way more every time I see a match from them. This was just average, but way better than we usually see from everyone but Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair. They had a good finish.

Kayden Carter and Katana Chance have been built up as the clubbing girls team, but recently they seem to lose all the time. The match got somewhat exciting when Carter got a hot tag. She came in guns a blazing and got a two count on Isla Dawn. We saw Alba Fyre have to rush in the ring to break it up and break a save. Then Dawn took Katana Chance out to leave Kayden Carter outnumbered.

The move of the match was the finisher. Dawn and Fyre picked Carter up and then nailed her with a double-team DDT into a Flatliner combination. Road Dogg seemed confused on commentary on how to call their finisher, but it looked unbelievable.

Pete Dunne Defeated Dijak

In the beginning of this match, I was a little bored and felt it was going on way too long. This was the first match for Dijak under his new character. His match in September 2022 was him as T-Bar from Retribution. Pete Dunne has almost became a regular on WWE Main Event. He had a match three weeks ago with Tyler Bate, but his last solo match was in January 2022 against T-Bar. It’s funny how things come back around. This time, the match was completely different and way more exciting except for Pete Dunne winning again.

As the match started, Dunne looked like he was going to make easy work of Dijak. But WWE then went to break. In that few minutes, the tide had been turned. Dijak caught Dunne with a big boot as Dijak came off the top rope. Almost immediately, Pete Dunne started making a comeback. It became a strong match in the last few minutes by WWE Main Event standards. Dunne used a snap German for a count then locked in a choke from behind.

The crowd got into the match as Dijak hit a sit-out powerbomb for a two count of his own. Then they started trading superkicks and big boots. Dunne countered Dijak with a small package to get the win. I thought this was a fun match that I actually enjoyed. Like I said in the beginning, it was a little slow, but by the middle I was doubting that Dunne would win. I’m now wanting to see Dijak wrestle others on Raw or Main Event.

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