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After Friday’s (June 7th) night’s WWE NXT Level Up episode aired the fans found out that Javier Bernal suffered an injury. He will be out of action for a while after informing fans on Twitch that he broke his foot in the match. Bernal said he broke his foot “in a few places.”

Surgery Coming?

It’s looking like Javier will need to undergo surgery for a plate and possibly screws in his foot. The expected timetable for his return is around six months. If he doesn’t need surgery, the recovery time could have been six weeks.

An emotional Bernal on Twitch called this injury so far the biggest test of his life. He’s had some injuries before, but he’s never loved anything as much as wrestling and entertaining the fans. No matter how long it takes, he is putting all of his effort into coming back.

“It stinks. It is what it is. I found out, what is it, two days ago that I broke it in a few places,” Bernal said. “And initially I was told that I probably wasn’t going to need surgery. But then the next day the MRI was a little cloudy and they looked at it and it looks like I probably will have surgery on my foot.”

When and How Did It Happen?

Bernal also posted a message on social media expressing how much he appreciates everyone’s support. The injury happened in the match between Duke Hudson and Riley Osborne versus Bernal and Drake Morreaux. The match had been taped on Tuesday, June 4th, and aired on June 7th. You can see his injury near the finish of the match while he was trying to catch Osborne on a dive to the outside of the ring.

In 2022, Javier debuted for WWE NXT. His real name is Randy Beidelschies and he played football at Macalester College. He called himself “Big Body Javi.” He is currently playing a delusional heel in WWE NXT. He has made one appearance each on WWE Smackdown and WWE Main Event. His WWE Smackdown appearance was a tag team squash match loss against AOP. However, this year Bernal has been featured on WWE NXT Level Up.

In other WWE NXT news, Gigi Dolin has suffered a serious knee injury also requiring surgery.

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