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In the last four or five days, I’ve seen so much information about the Wyatt Sicks attacks. Yet, I feel like so much is wrong. Maybe it’s because it happened in the last five minutes of the WWE Monday Night Raw episode on June 17th. Or maybe it’s because we saw what we wanted to see. A lot of fans seemed like they wanted it to be more wide-ranging than it was. While others wanted to play pretend in the Firefly Fun House and that the attacks didn’t happen. One person that I saw on Twitter/X, Kristina (@cuteangel22930) from New York broke the attacks down the way I was going to discuss them, but she did it way better than I could have. Thanks, Kristina.

Wyatt Sicks’ Only Wrestler: Chad Gable

So many of you were writing that you saw many wrestlers lying around the field of damage. Some of the wrestlers I saw mentioned were: Carmelo, Seth Rollins, Ludwig, Kaiser, Gunther, Braun Strowman, Triple H (Hunter/Paul), Damo (Nikki Cross’ husband), Erik (Viking Raiders). Who did you see? Anyone else?

Well as Kristina states: “Everyone besides Gable were crew members, producers, and/or security.” She continues,”The person people suspect is Braun or Triple H or Damo is actually this guy. I didn’t get to screenshot it, but he also had reposted this video on his IG story yesterday of Triple H talking about security and captioned it.”

As you can see, this gentleman that she is talking about is Anthony Andrews from Corpus Christi, Texas. The video Kristina is talking about is from the Clash at the Castle press conference where Hunter is speaking about security. She includes pictures of the capture video from the Wyatt Sicks attack. Then Kristina shows you the pictures of the wrestlers you think you saw. On the right, you can see that Braun and Triple H do not have the tattoo that is on the victim’s arm.

Kristina’s First Two Tweets in Her Thread

Bronson Reed Confirms Braun?

Many fans went crazy when Bronson Reed went on his Twitter/X and posted that it was Braun Strowman. Kristina’s rebuttal was “In regard to Bronson ‘confirming’ it’s Braun. Talent are not clued into EVERYTHING that happens on the show, they sometimes find out things along with us. It’s likely he watched along and/or just saw everyone saying it was Braun and he jokingly tweet about it in kayfabe.”

Is It Seth or Carmelo? No

Are Seth and Carmelo Alive? Yes

As you can see above Carmelo Hayes confirms himself as alive when someone named Mister J asked him if this you? Carmelo tweets back, “Nope, but are they dead?

Then you can go to Kristina’s Twitter/X thread and clearly see by her proof that it’s not Seth Rollins. She tweets, “I have yet to identify who this actually is but I can tell you it’s definitely not Carmelo or Seth. It’s clearly a white man lol so definitely, not Melo. Melo also confirmed he’s alive lol (albeit a diff person). And it’s not Seth since his hair wasn’t in braids nor was he wearing that outfit.

Gunther or Kaiser? Yes

So many of you spectulated that it may be Gunther or Ludwig Kaiser. However, Kristina refuted this by, “It’s very unlikely that this is Gunther or Ludwig like people have also speculated. Ludwig posted on IG after this occurred and he was wearing a short sleeve black shirt (pics included) last night, not a long sleeve. Gunther has yet to post anything, but he also hasn’t been on television since late May.”

Chad Gable: Wyatt Sicks’ Head Shot Victim?

Chad Gable seems to be the one wrestler that got the worst of the attacks from the Wyatt Sicks. Kristina continues with why she believes this: “Gable is the ONLY person we get a clear closeup face shot of because he’s the only wrestler who was attacked/targeted.”

Over top one of the pictures, Kristina continues her point: “If we were meant to recognize anyone else, they would’ve mentioned them as well instead of mentioning JUST Gable.” I totally agree with this semiment. WWE is usually pretty up front what what they want the fans to know and not know. They don’t mention it or even hint to it. Mostly, I think this is because they know WWE fans will take something and run with it. With the Wyatt Sicks being so looked forward to, I don’t think they would make a huge mistake right off the bat.

Ludwig Kaiser and Gunther’s Why It’s Not Them

Changing Their Gear?

In the comments, I noticed that some fans were arguing with Kristina. They were doing a lot from memory and you can tell. So Kristina goes back to the facts by pointing out, “Would also like to point out, if any of these people are supposed to be Seth, Braun, Ludwig, people we’ve already seen in attendance earlier in the show, why would they later be presented here in different outfits while Gable is still in his gear from earlier?”

When you look through the pictures she has presented as her evidence, you see very distinct differences. Some of them are black pants with no shirt on the victim compared to the red pants and black tank top that Braun Strowman wore in the ring that night. Choosing Braun as an example, Kristina explains, “It doesn’t or wouldn’t make sense for ease of recognition to change all of their outfits. ESPECIALLY Braun since he had JUST ran out into the arena and chased Judgement Day backstage 5-10 minutes prior to the attack segment.”

Clothes comparsions

Gorilla Position

As the fans on television watched, their mind started to realize and focus on the Gorilla Position after seeing what appeared to be Nikki Cross on the stage and flashes of other areas. WWE has been conditioning fans what the Gorilla Position is and where is it located since WrestleMania 40 was over. How? By all the shots, we’ve been seeing of wrestlers walking through that curtain before starting to walk down the ramp.

Kristina noticed something else that may have caught our attention. She says, “I think if these two people had not stood out with one being in like a suit with blood on the wall and the other with no shirt and they wore all black like the others, y’all wouldn’t be guessing or trying to identify wrestlers and it would’ve been crystal clear they’re all security/crew/etc.”

Additional Footage?

“The only way I can see other wrestlers being involved is if WWE releases additional footage from last night explicitly showing other wrestlers had been attacked in like other areas backstage because then at this point you could kinda get away with including some wrestlers people speculated, ” Kristina stated.

I think my question is…do we get this additional footage? We all know that WWE films anything and everything that moves when it does a documentary. So you know they filmed extra things that we haven’t seen yet. Plus, since this happened on Monday night, we’ve all seen fans’ footage of what happened in the arena. Not to mention we have seen numerous wrestlers come out with their own stories of where they were and what they heard.

Kristina’s Ending?

On June 18th around 6:11 pm, Kristina decided to end her fun by posting this, “I wanna end this by saying I’m not posting this to ‘end the fun’ or intentionally be a ‘party pooper.’ I just don’t want anyone getting their hopes up cause it will lead to confusion and people complaining because they convinced themselves it was more than what it was. I’m excited to see where all this goes and I wish Taylor/Bo Dallas, (Erick) Rowan, (Dexter) Lumis, (Joe) Gacy, and Nikki (Cross) the best with this story. I’m sure Windham/Bray (Wyatt) is extremely proud of y’all for continuing his story in his honor and is with y’all in spirit every step of the way. We love you.

Kristina’s Back With an Update on the Wyatt Sicks

I can’t blame Kristina for adding more to her thread on Twitter. It’s one of reasons I didn’t post an article about it that night. I felt like there was just too much we didn’t know, but would come out. Kristina posted on June 20th: Adding additional information and/or explanations and confirmation of wrestlers saying they weren’t attacked and/or posting after the attack (indicating they aren’t “dead”):

Of course then we had to have PWInsider come in and ruin all this girl’s hard work. You guys suck!!! I should have found her sooner and wrote this up sooner. I’m sorry everyone.

But I do want to put out a special thank you for all her hard work on this story…THANK YOU KRISTINA!!! Let me know if you want to do this kind of hard work all the time for free, of course.

The End???

No, it’s definitely not the end. If I spoke to Paul Heyman, I’m sure he would tell me that we are just in the first inning with no outs. If you didn’t look on social media on Friday then you would have missed Pat McAfee’s Twitter/X post about his electricity problems.

Pat McAfee’s Update

Chad Gable Update

Thank goodness, Pat updated us and I didn’t have to worry all weekend long. Also, thank you Adam Pearce for updating us that Chad Gable is alive. But also, you guys at WWE aren’t going to let us down. We know that Chad re-signed with you. Therefore, you had him lose to Sami Zayn then the following Monday, you gave him to Braun Strowman to try to kill. After that his team walked out on him hoping to break his heart. When all that didn’t work, you allowed the Wyatt Sicks to shoot him in the HEAD. But that wasn’t enough. WWE this week will torture Chad Gable some more by making his qualifying match for the MITB tournament be against Braun Strowman AND Bronson Reed. You’re going to want to read about that announcement here.

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