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AEW Collision starts on Saturday, June 1st in Palm Springs, CA, but was taped on Thursday, May 30th. The big main event will be Will Ospreay versus Kyle O’Reilly. Ospreay won the Casino Gauntlet on Wednesday, May 29th, giving him the championship chance against the AEW World Champion, Swerve Strickland. Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness are on the call for Collision, but Schiavone is in the ring to start the show.

FTR Promo About The Elite

Tony Schiavone welcomed FTR to the ring as highlights from Anarchy in the Arena played. Nigel McGuinness made sure to let all the home fans know that Jack Perry is the one who pinned Bryan Danielson to win the match. Cash Wheeler starts off talking about how it was hard to accept their loss on Sunday. He noted that the Elite hadn’t killed them off just yet. Then Dax Harwood struggled to see his partners getting brutalized throughout the match. He vowed to fight until his dying breath to defend AEW. Harwood said that one day soon that Danielson, Darby Allin, and FTR would be back to kick the Elite’s asses.

My Thoughts: I miss the old FTR. I’m sick of watching them lose for some unknown reason. FTR cuts a very good promo about why they should have won. I want to believe their vow, but I’m not sure anyone in AEW thinks they should be back on top of the tag team division. I think it’s sad that FTR isn’t being used to hold down the fort as other younger tag teams travel to get wins in other promotions.

Jack Perry Promo from after AEW Double or Nothing

AEW Collision then shows the footage of Jack Perry’s promo after the AEW Double or Nothing PPV. He said that the blood, sweat, and tears were the bare minimum sacrifice needed to succeed. He got set on fire in the name of saving AEW. No one believes in the spirit of AEW more than he does, even when the company turned its back on him. He will keep fighting and sacrificing to shape the AEW’s future through blood, sweat, and fire.

My Thoughts: Jack Perry has found his confidence while being in NJPW. It’s almost like he had to mature to survive over there. Due to this confidence, he is putting together better promos and with his already in-ring awareness I think we are seeing one of the four pillars come into his own.

For those who didn’t hear, AEW recaps the TNT Championship situation. Adam Copeland vacated the title and there will be a ladder match at AEW Forbidden Door PPV. Also, they tell fans that Konosuke Takeshita won the first qualifier match over Penta El Zero Miedo last night (May 31st) on AEW Rampage.

Roderick Strong (w/ Matt Taven and Mike Bennett) versus Lio Rush

Fans saw Roderick Strong quickly grabbed Lio Rush and stomped on him in the corner. Then Strong clubbed Rush around the ring. He focused his offense on Rush’s midsection with chops. We saw Strong start laying in some heavy running elbows before dropping Rush with a front slam. At ringside, Matt Taven put on Rush’s puffy coat that he came to the ring in. Immediately, fans started booing him. Rush slid into the corner and picked up his pace. Rush hit a pair of topa suicidas to send Strong into the announcer’s desk as AEW sent it to commercial.

Gaining the advantage, Strong pulled off an Olympic Slam for a near fall. Matt Taven kicked Rush as he lay on the floor. Lio Rush got back in the ring and hit a hurricane kick. After a Taven distraction, Rush hit both Taven and Bennett with a springboard moonsault. Strong came back with a baseball slide. Rush hit the Rush Hour stunner for a near fall. Rush thwarted another distraction but hit Strong’s knees during a frog splash. Then Strong transitioned directly into the End of Heartache to get the victory.

Roderick Strong (w/Matt Taven and Mike Bennett) defeated Lio Rush

My Thoughts

I love Lio Rush. I said that last week in one of my podcast episodes. However, I feel like I can’t trust him because he is always getting injuries or getting mad about backstage things. This match was worth seeing him in AEW again. Some fans have said that Lio Rush is signed with NJPW. I had heard it was on a per-appearance basis. Strong has been putting together some excellent matches with numerous wrestlers, but I don’t understand why he is still with Matt Taven and Mike Bennett. There’s no purpose for all of them being together since Adam Cole is going to be out for months.

Roderick Strong versus Lio Rush

Kyle O’Reilly Promo

Kyle O’Reilly says he didn’t plan on having a great match tonight, but he plans on beating Will Ospreay quickly and efficiently. He noted that in the first Casino Gauntlet match, he kicked out of Ospreay’s Hidden Blade. O’Reilly knows that Ospreay may have bigger fish to fry, but Ospreay will regret overlooking him. O’Reilly says he’s not leaving Palm Springs empty-handed.

Kyle O’Reilly Promo

AEW Collision’s Lexy Nair Tries To Interview Roderick Strong

Backstage, Lexy Nair wanted to get a word with Roderick Strong. However, Strong blew past her to get Tony Khan and Christopher Daniels’ attention. He reminded them that he was supposed to be the next entrant in the Casino Gauntlet match when Will Ospreay won the match to stop it. Then he complimented Khan’s neck strength after his injury. Strong said he wanted a chance to win the AEW World Championship and get his revenge on Ospreay at Forbidden Door. Tony Khan likes this idea, so he made an official match for AEW Dynamite on June 5th for Swerve Strickland versus Roderick Strong for the AEW World Championship.

My Thoughts: I really enjoy that they have brought Christopher Daniels in as an interim VP. I just wish they would let him make some decisions and matches instead of Tony Khan. Khan struggles with saying in the scene and remembering everything. Let him do what he’s good at while Daniels plays the part of the GM on TV. Many podcasts had already brought up the fact that the next man would have a gripe. I’m glad that AEW used that as a storyline for Strong to get this upcoming match.

Roderick Strong Talking to Tony Khan and Christopher Daniels

Daniel Garcia and Katsuyori Shibata versus The WorkHorsemen (Anthony Henry and JD Drake)

Matt Menard joins commentary for this match. They recapped Daniel Garcia’s interview from Wednesday night. He made his intentions clear for the International Championship. Before the match started Anthony Henry mocked Shibata’s pose. He quickly regretted that because Shibata and Garcia started kicking him. The WorkHorsemen tried to isolate Garcia, but he fought his way free. Then they tried to trip up Shibata. JD Drake to hit the Shining Wizard on Shibata.

Immediately, Drake rolled out of the ring and sat with the ringside doctor for a minute. Then he got back in the ring to tag in Henry. Garcia was hit with two neck breakers. After the commercial break, The WorkHorsemen were clubbing Garcia in their corner. Garcia fought through Drake’s chops. He hit a Saito suplex and then tagged. Shibata clubbed Henry in the corner after hitting the hesitation dropkick on him. Garcia danced to fire up himself before hitting running knees.

JD Drake snuck a tag in and hit a suplex. Henry hit running knees on Daniel Garcia before Drake hit a moonsault. Shibata broke up the cover and then helped Garcia isolate Drake. Shibata hit the Penalty Kick before Garcia used a jackknife cover to win the match.

Daniel Garcia and Katsuyori Shibata defeated The WorkHorsemen (Anthony Henry and JD Drake)

My Thoughts

I enjoy the WorkHorsemen, but they just never get pushed. I thought maybe ROH would, but when I saw they were scheduled for AEW Collision, I hoped we would see them get a win. They truly showed out for this crowd and I hope Tony Khan noticed. I’m not sure if I like Shibata and Garcia together as a tag team. I know they don’t really have the time for them on any of the shows as singles stars. Although I am looking forward to seeing Garcia versus Ospreay.

Shibata and Garcia versus The WorkHorsemen

Kris Statlander and Stokely Hathaway “Apologize” to Willow

Backstage at AEW Collision, we see Kris Statlander and Stokely Hathaway standing there as they recap their turn against Willow Nightingale. They apologized to Willow with a gift and a bunch of garbage that reminded them of Willow. Statlander said that she would destroy anyone who got in her way. She acted like she might be in action next week.

The Apology

Thunder Rosa versus Reina Dorada

The commentators told all the fans about how Reina Dorada was a rising name in the Mexican independent scene. Thunder Rosa hit a Dominator that Dorada kicked out of on a two-count. Then Rosa immediately scored a win with her seated Cobra Clutch. Then into a camera, Rosa had some words for Deonna Purrazzo. She said their issues weren’t settled.

Thunder Rosa defeated Reina Dorada

My Thoughts: Boy, this was a quick one. I hadn’t heard of Reina Dorada, but had no clue it was going to be a squash match. AEW Collision needs more of these to build wrestlers up. They should be squashing new talent.

Thunder Rosa versus Reina Dorada

Cage of Agony (Bishop Kaun, Brian Cage, and Toa Liona) versus Danny Gee, Danny Rose, and KM)

Wow, talk about a squash match. This was more of a squash than Thunder Rosa’s match. Danny Gee, Danny Rose, and KM got murdered by the Cage of Agony (They will continue to go as the Gates of Agony when Cage isn’t involved). Rose was quickly pinned after he was flung into the air by his limbs. Gravity finished the job.

Cage Of Agony (Bishop Kaun, Brian Cage & Toa Liona) defeated Danny Gee, Danny Rose & KM

Cage of Agony Squashing Teams

Toni Storm, Mariah May, and Luther

Backstage at AEW Collision, Mariah May told Saraya who is her opponent for AEW Dynamite on June 5th, that she watched a movie on Saraya’s life. May wondered why they cut out her downfall after winning the WWE Divas Championship. May said that they would need to make a sequel to it called Sh–storm. Then Toni Storm let everyone know that her Forbidden Door was wide open.

Toni Storm, Mariah May, and Luther

Claudio Castagnoli versus Johnny TV (w/ Taya Valkyrie)

Johnny TV entered the arena looking like the HOF’er Randy Savage with a leather cowboy hat and duster. As the match started, Claudio Castagnoli caught Johnny TV on a leapfrog with a tilt-whirl backbreaker. Johnny TV tripped Claudio in the ropes before hitting a running knee to take control. Claudio reversed a neckbreaker into a backslide before hitting a double stomp to the stomach. Then Claudio held Johnny TV up for a stalling vertical suplex before dropping him. Claudio went for the Giant Swing, but Johnny TV pulled Taya Valkyrie into the ring as a distraction. Johnny TV nailed Claudio with a mule kick before hitting the Flying Chuck for a near fall.

After an AEW Collision commercial break, Claudio reversed a hold into a vertical suplex. Johnny TV avoided another Giant Swing with an inside cradle before hitting another neckbreaker for a near fall. Johnny TV brought Claudio to the ropes to let Taya slap Claudio, but the slap woke him up. Claudio got in Taya’s face on the floor. This allowed Johnny TV to hit a dive over the post.

Claudio cut off the Starship Pain and hit a reverse suplex before locking on the Sharpshooter. Johnny TV pulled Taya into the ring again. However, Claudio caught his leg on the second mule kick attempt and hit the Giant Swing. Then Claudio hit a running lariat to score the win.

Claudio Castagnoli defeated Johnny TV (w/ Taya Valkyrie)

Shane Taylor Promotions (Lee Moriarty and Shane Taylor) w/ Anthony Ogogo versus The West Coast Wrecking Crew (Jorel Nelson and Royce Isaacs)

Due to my DVR skipping parts of AEW Collision, I wasn’t able to watch this match. I saw Anthony Ogogo knock out Royce Isaacs after the match. Then Moriarty and Taylor celebrated their victory.

Shane Taylor Promotions (Lee Moriarty and Shane Taylor) (w/ Anthony Ogogo) defeated The West Coast Wrecking Crew (Jorel Nelson and Royce Isaacs)

AEW Collision Backstage: The Iron Savages

Fans saw the Iron Savages backstage. They were talking about how the Trios Division was full of vegans who didn’t want any of their beef. Then we saw Killswitch enter the camera frame and kill them.

AEW International Champion Will Ospreay versus Kyle O’Reilly

Will Ospreay hit a head scissors and a plancha to the floor right off the bat. After an AEW Collision commercial, O’Reilly cut off Ospreay’s handspring kick by kicking Ospreay’s arm out from under him. O’Reilly locked in on Ospreay’s left arm as they showed Matt Menard and Daniel Garcia watching the match in the back. Ospreay hit a springboard forearm with his bad arm for a near fall.

Tony Schiavone noted on commentary that we would hear from AEW World Champion, Swerve Strickland after the match. O’Reilly dropped Ospreay on the apron with an arm wringer before hitting a Dragon Screw through the ropes. As Ospreay was tied up in the ropes, O’Reilly hit a flying knee off the ropes for a near fall. Ospreay tried to catch O’Reilly with a sunset flip. O’Reilly put on an armbar to force Ospreay into the ropes. Then Ospreay was put into a chair at ringside by O’Reilly before hitting a running dropkick against the barricade as AEW Collision went to another commercial.

After the Commercial Break

Ospreay took O’Reilly’s guillotine attempt and turned it into a suplex before hitting a traditional Tiger Driver for a two-count. O’Reilly cut off Ospreay on the ropes. He avoided a 450 splash and cut off an Oscutter. O’Reilly lost a kick battle with Ospreay, but it put both men down. Ospreay went for another Oscutter, but O’Reilly caught him on the way down in an armbar.

O’Reilly transitioned between an armbar and a triangle choke, but Ospreay muscled O’Reilly up for a one-armed powerbomb. Ospreay hit two head kicks, but O’Reilly countered the Stormbreaker with a leg-trap suplex for a near fall. O’Reilly hit a Penalty Kick, but Ospreay rolled through to hit a desperation Hidden Blade. Ospreay went for another Hidden Blade, but O’Reilly drilled him with a knee to the chin.

The two men traded headbutts and forearms on the mat before O’Reilly dropped Ospreay with a rolling elbow. Ospreay countered a brainbuster with a Stundog Millionaire and a Hidden Blade, but O’Reilly kicked out of it again. Ospreay then hit the Stormbreaker for the win.

My Thoughts

I thought this was a great match. However, after suffering through some of the other matches I was tired. There were a lot of near falls that I assumed weren’t going to be the end because it was too soon for the match to finish. I think that’s where it hurts all the AEW shows. I think if they don’t get O’Reilly into some championship program they are crazy. Maybe he could be in the TNT Championship ladder match at AEW Forbidden Door and win it. Then we would get another Roderick Strong versus Kyle O’Reilly match. But this was an awesome AEW Collision main event match.

AEW International Title Match: Will Ospreay defeated Kyle O’Reilly

Will Ospreay After His Match on AEW Collision

Swerve Strickland Promo Backstage

Swerve Strickland congratulated Will Ospreay on his wins at AEW Double or Nothing and on AEW Dynamite. He talked about last year’s AEW Forbidden Door show. He was on the pre-show while Ospreay stole the show on the main card. Meanwhile, Swerve continues by saying Ospreay hasn’t main evented an AEW PPV like Swerve has. It was like they complemented each other in that way.

Then Swerve turned his attention to Roderick Strong. He thought Strong had a good win over Lio Rush that entitled him to the champ’s time. Strong is no longer the bully who could take advantage of Swerve. He would be the champion going into the match and coming out of Forbidden Door because it’s Swerve’s House.

AEW Collision Card Results

  • FTR did a promo with Tony Schiavone where they said even though they lost at Anarchy in the Arena, they aren’t dead yet. They promised to return and whip The Elite’s ass.
  • Roderick Strong (w/ Mike Bennett and Matt Taven) defeated Lio Rush
  • Katsuyori Shibata and Daniel Garcia defeated The WorkHorsemen (JD Drake and Anthony Henry)
  • Thunder Rosa defeated Reina Dorada
  • The Cage of Agony (Bishop Kaun and Toa Liona) and Brian Cage defeated KM, Danny Gee and Danny Rose
  • Claudio Castagnoli defeated Johnny TV
  • Shane Taylor Promotions (Shane Taylor and Lee Moriarty) defeated NJPW Strong’s West Coast Wrecking Crew (Jorel Nelson and Royce Isaacs)
  • AEW International Champion Will Ospreay defeated Kyle O’Reilly to retain the title
  • Swerve Strickland Promo

The next AEW Collision will be on June 8th at Council Bluffs, Iowa.

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