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The Council Bluffs, Iowa fans welcomed AEW Collision to their home, just outside of Omaha, NE. Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness were the commentators for the June 8th show. They tell us we are getting FTR and BCC tonight. They won me over by announcing we’re getting this match. I enjoy both teams and know it will be a very good match.

FTR (Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood) versus Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta)

Starting off, I love Dax Harwood’s new gear. After the opening exchange, Claudio Castagnoli beat on Harwood ending with his European uppercut. The crowd didn’t know who to root for. Well, me either. I totally agree with them. Harwood chopped Claudio. It woke Claudio up and took over before tagging in Wheeler Yuta. However, Wheeler got distracted on a flying head scissors attempt. This gave the upper hand to FTR. Yuta fought to his corner to tag in Castagnoli.

Claudio ran wild with European uppercuts before getting a two-count on Harwood with a big boot. Cash Wheeler cut off two Giant Swing attempts by Claudio, but he was then grabbed violently to be put in the Sharpshooter. However, we saw Harwood catching Yuta in the Sharpshooter also. While holding Sharpshooters, Claudio and Dax traded slaps and then strikes as the other two joined in the brawl.

Back from AEW Collision Commercials

Coming back from the AEW Collision commercials, Claudio hit an avalanche gut wrench suplex on Harwood for a two-count. Again the two traded blows and covers for pins. Harwood dropped Claudio with a spinebuster. We saw another double move as Claudio got his knees up on Cash Wheeler’s splash while Harwood got his knees up on Wheeler Yuta’s splash. FTR went for the Shatter Machine, however, Yuta cut them off. Claudio popped up to do the Giant Swing on Cash Wheeler. Yuta hit Cash with a dropkick for a two-count.

Claudio went for a Neutralizer, but Cash Wheeler fought out and caught him with a Shatter Machine for a near fall that Wheeler Yuta broke up. Cash Wheeler locked on a Sharpshooter, but Claudio reversed it into his own Sharpshooter. Cash Wheeler crawled to the ropes. As Claudio dropped the hold he hit Dax Harwood with a Neutralizer. The fans hear the announcer tell us there is one minute left in the match as Cash Wheeler hits Claudio with a piledriver and a two-count. Claudio got him up for a superplex and then a Neutralizer for another near fall. Claudio locked on his cross-face before transitioning it to the Rings of Saturn. However, the time limit expired.

The Young Bucks Deny Request

Dax Harwood grabbed the mic and demanded five more minutes. However, Brandon Cutler came out on the Young Bucks’ behalf. He stated that the request was denied. Their match contract specifically stated that the match was only for a 20-minute time limit. Cutler got in the ring to show all of them their contract. Claudio upset grabbed Cutler and put him into a Giant Swing which the fans counted. Then Claudio vaulted Brandon Cutler into the Shatter Machine. Claudio grabbed the mic and said he wasn’t shaking FTR’s hands because it was cliche. He stated that they would finish their fight whenever and wherever FTR wanted them.

FTR (Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood) versus Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta) Ended in a Time-Limit Draw

My Thoughts

I love that AEW actually has time-limit draws on AEW Collision. It’s so interesting that they can suck you in that way, especially with the first match. I really enjoyed seeing Wheeler Yuta back. I fully expected to go to social media to see everyone griping about Brandon Cutler coming out as the stooge. However, most understood that he was just taking all the heat for the fans and teams being upset at the Young Bucks. I love that no one can ever predict how AEW Collision shows are going to open.

FTR versus BCC on June 8th

Kyle O’Reilly Interrupted Backstage

Backstage with Lexy Nair, Kyle O’Reilly was interrupted by Roderick Strong and The Kingdom (Mike Bennett and Matt Taven). Strong told O’Reilly that he was missing something even though he had been good since coming back. O’Reilly said that they have been down this road before. He doesn’t want their help. However, Strong told O’Reilly to remember what O’Reilly told them when O’Reilly returned from his injury.

Kris Statlander w/ Stokely Hathaway versus Robyn Renegade

Kris Statlander has changed her AEW Collision entrance. It now says it was “Stat-urday Night” in Stokely Hathaway’s voice. Statlander squashed Robyn Renegade decisively with her move the Saturday Night Fever. Then Statlander did a few push-ups after the match.

Kris Statlander w/ Stokely Hathaway defeated Robyn Renegade

After Statlander’s match, Stokely Hathaway took the microphone. He put over Statlander’s athleticism and intensity. Then he said, she would make history as the first woman to win both the TBS and Women’s World Championship. Then Hathaway announced that Statlander was the first entrant in the 2024 Women’s Owen Hart Foundation Cup Tournament. He also said Statlander would win the tournament and win the Women’s Championship at Wembley Stadium during the AEW All-In PPV because no one can stop her.

Stokely Hathaway and Kris Statlander

Backstage with Willow Nightingale

After a commercial, AEW Collision was backstage with Lexy Nair. She asked Willow Nightingale about the Kris Statlander situation. Willow announced that she would also be in the Owen Cup Tournament. She hoped to see Statlander in it. When Nair asked why Willow was in Council Bluffs, Willow said she was keeping her eye on the action.

Dustin Rhodes versus Johnny TV w/ Taya Valkyrie

Dustin Rhodes scared Taya Valkyrie on the floor before he cannonballed into Johnny TV off the apron. Taya distracted Rhodes to give Johnny time to hit a corkscrew dive on Rhodes. After a commercial break, Dustin Rhodes fired up and hit the running bulldog then hit a powerslam for a two-count. Johnny did a neckbreaker for a near fall. Rhodes reversed everything from an Alabama Slam into a Canadian Destroyer.

Rhodes hit the Shattered Dreams then the Cross Rhodes. Afterward, Taya put Johnny’s foot on the ropes. Rhodes went after Taya to confront her. She was ejected from ringside by the referee. However, this allowed Johnny to hit Rhodes in the crotch with the ropes. Rhodes played it off even though Johnny kicked the wrong rope. Johnny then went for the Starship Pain, but Rhodes moved and hit a Shining Wizard. Dustin Rhodes hit the Final Cut for the win.

Dustin Rhodes defeated Johnny TV w/ Taya Valkyrie

Dustin Rhodes Challenges Jack Perry on AEW Collision

Rhodes took the microphone and thanked the fans for sticking by him for over three decades. He thanked the production crew and Tony Khan for giving him the opportunity to speak tonight. Rhodes then said he was going to talk about a subject that pisses him off…Jack Perry. He said everyone missed Jack Perry when he left and was excited to see Jack Perry come back. However, Perry attacked Tony Khan.

Dustin Rhodes then said that Perry was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Perry had no clue what sacrifice meant. Sacrifice was getting fired from a job and then having to take two more jobs to make ends meet. He said that Perry was mediocre because he was a follower, not a leader. Quoting his father, Dusty Rhodes, the view never changes when you are a follower. Rhodes announced it would be Dustin Rhodes versus Jack Perry on AEW Dynamite on June 12th. He said he would destroy Perry.

Dustin Rhodes Talks to the Audience

Zack Sabre Jr. Video Package

AEW Collision showed a Zack Sabre Jr. video package. It highlighted his chiseled jaw and technical ability. In the video’s voiceover, Sabre Jr said he was coming to AEW Forbidden Door to take care of some unfinished business from last year. Sabre Jr challenged Orange Cassidy to a match.

Zack Sabre Jr.

The Premier Athletes (Tony Nese and Ari Daivari) w/ Smart Mark Sterling versus Trent Jordy and Dante Leon

Tony Schiavone recapped the run-in that The Premier Athletes had with HOOK and Samoa Joe on AEW Dynamite. Dante Leon is technically an AEW Forbidden Door entry. He is a former GHC Junior Heavyweight Champion in Pro Wrestling NOAH. However, that didn’t help him here. Tony Nese pinned Trent Jordy with Greetings From Asbury Park.

The Premier Athletes (Tony Nese and Ari Daivari) w/ Smart Mark Sterling defeated Trent Jordy and Dante Leon

Scorpio Sky Backstage at AEW Collision

Backstage, Scorpio Sky said that all of our heroes had fallen. He would stand on the backs of those fallen heroes to become our champion.

Scorpio Sky is Back!

Toni Storm w/ Luther and Mariah May versus Lady Frost

Tony Schiavone, with some interruptions from Nigel McGuiness, recapped Toni Storm’s run-ins has had with her AEW Forbidden Door opponent, Mina Shirakawa this week. They showed the forced uneasy handshake by Mariah May from last night’s AEW Rampage.

In the match, we quickly saw Storm drill Lady Frost with a hip attack after AEW Collision went to commercial. Lady Frost kicked out of the two-count. Frost caught Storm with a cartwheeling Air Raid Crash. Storm cut off the Frostbite and his a backstabber on Frost. Then Storm counted another attempted cartwheel from Frost into a Storm Zero for the win.

Toni Storm w/ Luther and Mariah May defeated Lady Frost

Toni Storm wins

Mariah May in the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament

After the match, Toni Storm took the microphone and sat down with Mariah May on the apron. Toni Storm told Mariah that she knew how awkward the whole situation with Mina Shirakawa must be for Mariah. Storm wants to give Mariah all the opportunities that she deserves. Toni demanded that Mariah get a spot in the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament. Storm said that she would be there for Mariah the whole way. Remember, everyone, the Owen Hart winner will be Toni Storm’s opponent for the AEW All-In.

AEW Collision Backstage Interviews

Backstage with Lexy Nair, Top Flight (Action Andretti, Dante, and Darius Martin) and Shane Taylor Promotions (Lee Moriarty, Anthony Ogogo, and Shane Taylor) will wrestle next week on the AEW Collision first anniversary. Dante Martin and Lee Moriarty will be in the TNT Championship Ladder Match qualifier. Martin noted that he was Moriarty’s first AEW match. Martin told Moriarty the result would be the same. Moriarty said that the last time they wrestled, he won. Taylor called Top Flight nothing but glorified stuntmen. He noted that Action Andretti was the only one of them with any heart.

Daniel Garcia versus Tate Mayfairs

Matt Menard came out to be on commentary for this match. Tate Mayfairs is a Progress Wrestling regular. Nigel McGuinness stated that he watched Mayfairs have a half-hour classic with Will Ospreay at Super Strong Style 16 last year. Mayfairs got the upper hand to start off the match. Daniel Garcia got his feet under him and ended up getting the win quickly.

Daniel Garcia defeated Tate Mayfairs

Daniel Garcia beats Tate Mayfairs

Zeuxis Video Package

Mercedes Mone will be taking on Zeuxis on AEW Dynamite, on June 12th. Excalibur explained that Zeuxis made history in CMLL by winning the CMLL Women’s Tag Team Championships with Stephanie Vaquer. Vaquer will be Mercedes Mone’s opponent at AEW Forbidden Door. Tony Khan explained on social media that if Mone loses the championship to Zeuxis then the match at Forbidden Doory will be for the NJPW Strong Women’s Championship only.

AEW Collision Backstage: Orange Cassidy

Backstage with Lexy Nair, Orange Cassidy was frustrated that all his friends were gone. Some are trying to hurt him. Now he has Zack Sabre Jr. knocking on his door for AEW Forbidden Door. Then we saw Orange Cassidy leave for the main event.

Orange Cassidy versus Kyle O’Reilly

The Undisputed Kingdom (Mike Bennett, Matt Taven, and Roderick Strong) were in the crowd to root Kyle O’Reilly on. Tony Schiavone noted that the Undisputed Kingdom have jumped O’Reilly multiple times in the last few months. Orange Cassidy escapes O’Reilly’s initial holds with his sloth-like movements. O’Reilly grabbed a double wristlock before Cassidy got to the ropes. O’Reilly locked on a grounded Octopus Stretch that forced Cassidy to crawl to the ropes.

Kyle O’Reilly and Orange Cassidy

After an AEW Collision commercial break, the two of them traded holds before Cassidy caught O’Reilly in a European Clutch for two counts. O’Reilly fought to keep Cassidy’s hands out of his pockets. However, Cassidy succeeded in getting them in. O’Reilly kicked Cassidy down before going to work on Cassidy’s arm. O’Reilly ended up on the floor near the Undisputed Kingdom. Roderick Strong whispered something to O’Reilly. Then he sent Cassidy into the barricade with a Dragon Screw and then hit another one in the ring as AEW Collision went to another set of commercials.

Roderick Strong Whispering to Kyle O’Reilly

Back after the AEW Collision commercials, Cassidy took repeated strikes before firing up and going after O’Reilly’s arm. The two traded German suplexes until they collapsed. Both men traded kicks before getting after each other. Cassidy went for the Stundog Millionaire, but O’Reilly caught his arm in an armbar. Cassidy stuffed his hand in his pocket. Then he caught O’Reilly with a Michinoku Driver for a two-count.

Closing Moments

Kyle O’Reilly ducked a Penalty Kick and hit his big forearm. However, Orange Cassidy came back with a Penalty Kick. O’Reilly countered the Orange Punch by choking Cassidy. Orange fought to his feet and hit the Beach Break for a near fall. Then Cassidy went for the Orange Punch again, but his leg gave away. Cassidy was able to hit a short-armed Orange Punch. He hits a full-strength Orange Punch as O’Reilly rebounds toward Cassidy for the win.

Orange Cassidy defeated Kyle O’Reilly

After the match, Trent Beretta and Kyle Fletcher jumped Orange Cassidy. O’Reilly came back to try to help Cassidy, but he got beaten down also. Then Kris Statlander returned and shook hands with Beretta before going after Orange Cassidy who used to be her best friend. Willow came out to a huge fan reaction and ran Statlander off.

Don Callis Family Attacks Orange Cassidy

My Thoughts

This was a great match to end the show. Orange Cassidy and Kyle O’Reilly put on a special match. You could see that AEW wanted fans to see Orange taking on a wrestling technician before the match with Zack Sabre Jr. Meanwhile they are continuing to tell the story of Kyle O’Reilly not being enough to win no matter how great the match is. Orange foreshadowed that someone would help him after his interview with Lexy Nair. I loved that we saw Kyle O’Reilly still being the good guy because he helps Orange out along with Willow.

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